True North Beginnings

     How it all started...

This organization started in 2015 with a prayer group that grew into a movement founded on these beliefs: 
  • Every life has value.
  • We are called to love, nurture, and care for each other as unique and beautiful individuals. 
  • Everyone has the basic right to live a life of freedom. 

The reality is we live in a society which promotes the exploitation of men, women and children for profit.
First named "The Alabaster Gift" the organization grew out of a commitment to nurture women who were currently or previously involved in sexual or labor exploitation. That organization became a safe space for those vulnerable people to feel loved, accepted, and valued.
Our purpose was and still is to create awareness, change, and hope in Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, and the surrounding counties concerning those exploited through the atrocity of labor and sex trafficking.

    Expanding the vision...

In 2021, after much prayer and following God's leading, we transitioned to "True North to Freedom" to broaden our reach by not only serving women who are being exploited in human trafficking but also men and all people groups affected, to include all exploited peoples in our outreach. We firmly believe that the transition from The Alabaster Gift to True North To Freedom allowed us to meet our goals and impart community instead of exclusion.

Because of the worldwide COVID-19 crisis there was a significant impact on the services we were able to offer our clients - such as, the loss of our previous location. For more than 3 years, we operated as a mobile unit, severely limiting our ability to offer much needed services.
Our hope and prayers are that God will provide us a permanent location that will make it possible for us to offer safe housing  and communal space that allow TNTF to offer additional programs to increase life skills through education, workshops, expressive arts, group Bible Studies, times of prayer and community meals. We would envision a place that would give our clients an atmosphere of loving community to support and encourage them on their healing journey.

       Where we are headed...          

In November of 2023,  we were welcomed into a semi-permanent  (yet still confidential) location until we reach our ultimate goal - to build a village.
A small community that enable families to stay together, further motivating
survivors to work through the challenges they face without separating or punishing
the family unit. Residents have the opportunity to learn practical life skills, such as nutrition and cooking, budgeting and basic finances along with healthy parenting skills.

We continue to look into expanding our reach into surrounding counties, to serve additional survivors.

True North To Freedom currently offers awareness trainings, volunteer opportunities and we welcome partnerships with other organizations as we are making these transitions and looking to further educate others about our organization and our future.

    What we do...

Our organization works alongside survivors and assists them as they move forward toward full recovery and healthy integration into society, including education, job placement, nutrition, housing and stability. We currently offer case management services, emotional support, and spiritual guidance to our clients. We provide limited financial and physical support, all of which come through donations.

This support looks like access to LYFT and UBER rides, gift cards, food items, personal care items, and more. All provisions being provided have procedural measures in place as a matter of developing responsibility and accountability. We also work to refer our clients to outside services that can provide mental and physical care for them, in addition to additional provisions and housing.